Our Family, Our Team, Your Family, Your Dream

Frequently asked questions


Should I talk with a bank before looking at homes?

We recommend that you do. If you are a first-time buyer it will give you valuable information on what you can afford to spend. This will allow you to avoid disappointment on buying your dream home.

Can I find a rent-to-own property?

There aren’t many rent-to-own agreement opportunities out there, but the potential buyer moves into the property right away. It normally isn’t as simple as paying rent for multiple years because it is all based on the terms and conditions based on the contract. We recommend coming in and speaking with one of our qualified realtors and getting a better understand on how this opportunity works

Do I really need a Realtor when buying a home?

We recommend having a realtor by your side to help you navigate the selling or buying process. The stresses of buying or selling a home can be overwhelming if you don’t have a certified realtor. We will be with you every step of the way and put your best interests first.

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